Month: October 2014

  • SEO in 2015 from the Experts

    SEO in 2015 from the Experts

    SEO in 2015 from the Experts It is always a bit of fun to read ‘experts’ predictions of what the future will hold, especially when you look back at them later and see just how right or wrong they were! This article from Powered by Search lays out the thoughts of a number of SEO…

  • SEO Services – Smoke and Mirrors?

    SEO Services – Smoke and Mirrors?

    SEO Services – Smoke and Mirrors? I quite frequently hear the comment that SEO is all ‘smoke and mirrors’ from people who have tried the services of ‘SEO Experts’. Why is this? After all it is a skill like any other skill attained from training and experience. So why is the industry failing to convince…