Googles Bunker

How to Play out of Google’s SEO Bunker

How to Play out of Google’s SEO Bunker

Google has been implementing a raft of increasingly aggressive changes to alter how websites can get top listings through a ‘numbers only game’. We have seen the complete closure of one of the top Article directories (BMR) due to it being delisted by Google. This has always been seen as one of the more professional networks providing quality article hosting services. I think we can safely assume other networks will follow in due course. So SEO practices are changing rapidly.

This article by Carl Hruza helps put the current trends into perspective –

The Importance of Having Diverse Traffic Strategies — A SPN It has been another turbulent month for website owners, particularly those involved in the realms of Internet Marketing. March has brought effective closure of ‘Build My Rank’ (BMR), along with the ‘laying off’ of thousands of people who relied heavily

So it is now probably going to be lot harder and take a lot longer to get top rankings and traffic for your site. However I have to say that this is in my opinion the correct way for Google to go. The Internet has become to an extent a large ‘trash can’ containing low value information with little substance. This is mainly due to the search engines allowing this type of information to be used to promote sites to the top of their listings. Now this is going away I suspect we will be looking to see a lot more quality and quantity in the information along with a lot more social network building.


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