How Often Should I Post a New Blog

How Often Should I Post a New Blog?

How Often Should I Post a New Blog?

Adding a Blog to your website should be an essential piece of your overall online marketing strategy in 2015. This not only helps your ranking signals with search engines by providing fresh content which (should) be optimised for searched for keywords but also provides subject matter for people to read and follow as you build their interest and trust.

But how often should you be posting new content to your blog? ProBlogger suggest –

– it depends on several factors. The length of posts, the frequency of posting, and definitely post content all require trial and error, and for the blogger to know what their readers respond to best. via: ProBlogger FAQ: How Often Should I Post?

So they are suggesting this is more than just trial and error, you need to have an understanding of what your readers want. They recommend these ideas to get a handle on this knowledge –

Finding a posting schedule requires some homework on the part of the blogger – checking their Analytics to see what posts work best, what times work best, and at what speed. via: ProBlogger FAQ: How Often Should I Post?

It is worth taking a look at why you started a blog and what you are trying to achieve with it.

Revisit Your Blogging Goals

Of course you’ve set goals for your blog. But how long ago was that? When was the last time you revisited those goals? via: Not Happy With Your Business Blog Performance? Try These 5 Tips:

Building and Editorial Calendar is essential to give your blogging some structure and providing timeline goals. Without this you more often than not get what I would call ‘article drift’ where no new content is created for long periods.

I prefer to build an Editorial Calendar using a content matrix approach. There is no point in just adding ‘Write a Blog’ to your monthly calendar. You need to have planned out what topics you are going to research and write about as you plan the calendar.

I like to plan the content matrix using Topics/Keywords versus the Audience, Business Objectives and or Content Type which is a well-established method to map out your Editorial Calendar.

TopRankBlog wrote a useful article on structuring your blogging and on content they suggest –

A few tips on creating blog content:

  • Follow an overall theme aligned to your target audiences and business goals
  • Publish regular features on a consistent basis (Tactics Tuesdays, Friday News Roundups, Thought Leadership Mondays, Guest Posts Thursdays)
  • Create an editorial calendar with some slots open for wildcards 1-2 quarters in advance.
  • Ask for help in content creation (employees, customers, influencers, external writers)
  • Optimize for discovery (search, social, subscription), engagement (topics, format), action (share, subscribe, inquire, refer)
  • Leverage monitoring tools like BuzzSumo and SEMRush to see what content is performing well for your own blog as well as competitors – topics, titles, social shares, etc.

via: Not Happy With Your Business Blog Performance? Try These 5 Tips:

So don’t leave your blogging to an ‘as and when’ approach. You need to have it carefully planned and structured to suit your readers needs and backup your overall Online Marketing strategy.

Putting the effort in up front to plan and diarise publishing dates and decide on topics and keywords means you can focus all of your effort on writing the blog.


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